Conference calendar: YTRB Network
Ons Mamai (YTRB Co-founder) won the « Ibn Khaldun Award-2017 »
Dr. Mamai was selected for having excelled within a Singapore-based scientific team, when she was able to identify the gene responsible for a hereditary dermatological pathology, a discovery of great value as it allows for pre-symptomatic diagnosing. The Award presentation ceremony took place during the celebration of the 13th annual Tunisian-American Day in Washington on Saturday May 13, 2017 in the presence of members of the community. The annual Ibn Khaldun Award was established by the Tunisian American Center in 2004 to honor the intellectual heritage of the “Father of Sociology“, highlight the value of our community in the United States and promote individuals who had a brilliant academic or professional career while being active within Civil Society entities. |